Articles · · 2 min read

PLAY: Rapidly Calculate and Recalculate Your Design Team Priorities

A simple matrix-like tool to simultaneously focus on eliminating and reducing the activities that aren’t producing the results you need so that you can raise and create the activities that are or will.

Plays are the epitome of CDO School. CDO School Plays are structured steps and actions to help you make meaningful forward progress right now. Each Play combines different skills thoughtfully and intentionally to tackle specific, real-world challenges.

One of the more difficult challenges we face as leaders is trying to prioritize our day-to-day work so that we’re moving forward on the big picture. 

The Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create (ERRC) Grid is an essential tool for doing just this. Developed by Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, it is a simple matrix-like tool that helps you focus simultaneously on eliminating and reducing the activities that aren’t producing the results you need so that you can raise and create the activities that are or will.

What this play will help you do:

Use this play to calculate (and recalculate) your org and team priorities.

When you should run this play:

Run this play quarterly, with special attention around budgeting cycles

1. Prep (15 mins)

2. Identify activities that are being taken for granted (15 mins)

TIP: Rest assured, I’m not suggesting an activity like Research should be eliminated. Rather, think about eliminating arguments you make about research or activities that are not vital to finding research insights.

3. Identify activities that can be below your current standard  (15 mins)

4. Identify activities that should be above your current standard  (15 mins)

5. Identify activities that have never existed that should be created  (15 mins)


Remember, being strategic is as much about not doing things as it is about doing things. So often, we forget that removing or reducing is just as powerful as creating. In my experience, this skill really separates high achievers from the rest.

Here are some reflection questions to ask after running this play:

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