Alumni Stories · · 1 min read

This has evolved my mindset more than any other course I've taken

This has evolved my mindset more than any other course I've taken

I went in thinking that I would learn more about influence and data (not knowing entirely what that meant) and came out with more knowledge on the power of empathy, building trusted relationships, and becoming a bridge between the design team and our partners and leaders.

Have you been applying the lessons you’ve learned? If so, have there been changes as a result?

I've become less anxious and more optimistic knowing that I have frameworks and tools to help me navigate challenges as they arise. I am able to have more structured and actionable conversations as a result.

What are you now better at as a result of the course?

Considering the needs of my team, partners and leaders.

What we the most beneficial topics we covered

I think that all of the topics are important, or are important at different times. For me, the SCR framework, empathy mapping, and Negotiation framework are top of mind. I mean, you've built a community that exists after taking the course, how amazing is that? This experience really resonates with the "be a learner, not a knower" mentality.

If you wanted convince someone you know to take this course, what’s the one thing you would tell them?

This course has evolved my mindset more than any other course I've taken. I'm able to think more critically and have clear steps to keep working towards representing the value that designers bring to the table.

If you are looking to mature your strategic design leadership skills and communicate the value of design to your organization, this is an amazing course to take. I learned valuable techniques on how to harness the power of analytical storytelling, use empathy to understand the needs of my partners and leaders, utilize negotiation frameworks for trade-off decisions, align design solutions to business needs, measure the impact of design, and so much more. This course has really changed how I approach connecting with my partners.

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